
Teamviewer license limits the maximum session
Teamviewer license limits the maximum session

teamviewer license limits the maximum session

To do this, you can use free utility"Technitium MAC Address Changer" from the Technitium website. Searching for the entry "teamviewer" in the names of the branches, delete which are related to TeamViewer.Īfter complete removal for everything related to TeamViewer, we change the MAC address of the network interface. Right-click on the "START" button, call the "Run" line, enter regedit, thereby opening the registry editor.

teamviewer license limits the maximum session

After that, check the remnants of the program and, if necessary, delete the folder C: \ Program Files \ TeamViewer Uninstall the TeamViewer program from your computer via Control Panel \ Programs and Features. There is one correct option: Change the MAC address of your computer. Unfortunately, this will not help you at all, you will only waste your time! There are tips on the Internet on which you need to uninstall TeamViewer, change the creation date of the "Program Files" folder, change the parameters in the registry. How to clear the TeamViewer commercial use message

teamviewer license limits the maximum session

Of course, it is best to purchase a license and forget about this situation forever, but if you plan to use this software very rarely for personal purposes, you can bypass the limitation.

teamviewer license limits the maximum session

The time limit for TeamViewer arises when the program decides that it is being used for commercial purposes. But, even using TeamViewer for personal purposes, many users face such a problem as the end of the session within 5 minutes after starting the program with a message about possible incorrect use - "Commercial use detected". If you conduct commercial activities using this application, you need to buy a license. TeamViewer is free to use, but only if used for personal use. TeamViewer is quite popular software, which allows using one computer to remotely control another PC: install programs, download files and solve problems.

Teamviewer license limits the maximum session